
10277 products, 807 articles, 680 blogs

Growing garlic in containers video

Learn how to grow garlic in containers with our video tutorial. Garlic can happily grow in a bags or container, and is perfect for beginner gardeners.

Top 10 Plug Plants

Take a look at Thompson and Morgan's picks of the top 10 plug plants to fill your garden with colour. Plug plants are a cost effective and easy way to fill your garden.

Euonymus Scale | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Euonymus scale can damage leaves by sucking sap from the plant. Find out how to control infestation and limit damage to your garden here.

Retail Seeds

TandM has introduced more species and varieties than any other seed company. We'd love to work with you. Get in touch with our retail team for trade enquiries.

Planting and growing plug plants video

Learn what to do with your plug plants once they're delivered to your home. Watch our video for planting and growing on tips.

Selfie tandc's

Take a selfie with your favourite Thompson and Morgan plant at our open garden at Jimmy's Farm and you could win a prize. Here are our terms and conditions.

How to Grow Bulbs Video

Bulbs are a reliable and easy source of colour in the garden - find out how to plant bulbs in this handy video guide.

Drought Resistant Plants | Plants for a Purpose

With our increasingly hot summers drought-resistant plants are becoming particularly useful for gardeners. Find out which drought-resistant plants are right for your garden

Tokely's Tales Gardening Blog - December 2011

The allotment has already been dug over, the shed tidied and the greenhouse checked ready for the new season. Now time to lift veg for Christmas dinner.

What to sow and grow in April

Learn what to sow in April amongst the sunshine and showers. TandM's guide will show you what to sow and how to sow it, inside or out.

Buy Seed Potatoes Online in the UK

Thompson and Morgan have a range of seed potatoes available to buy online in the UK. With all types of seed potatoes available for delivery - Buy Online!

Christmas gift finder

Christmas gifts finder to help you find the perfect gift

What to do in the garden in June

Pinch out the tips of bedding plants to encourage bushy growth and more flowers. Start side-shooting tomato plants. Ventilate greenhouses. More tips for June€¦

Michael Perry's Top 5 Fuchsias

Michael Perry, Thompson and Morgan's New Product Development Manager, shares his top 5 fuchsia plants, available from Thompson and Morgan.

Warming Up a Cool Evening

Using your garden during autumn and winter has never been easier, with our range of outdoor living products.

Grow Your Own Mushrooms

How to grow your own mushrooms with easy to use mushroom cultivation kits, spawn and dowels.

Top Fruit and Vegetables for Healthy Eyes

Protect your eyes and maintain their health by eating a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. View our list of top fruit and veg for healthy eyes.

Autumn Planting Bulbs

Every garden needs spring bulbs - plant them in the autumn when the soil is moist and as soon as the days start to lengthen they'll send up their shoots bringing a dazzling array of colour to your garden.

Top ten Autumn tips to prepare your garden for Winter

Your crops have been harvested, and the exuberant summer colour has faded from your borders €“ but don't be fooled into thinking that it's all over until next spring. Autumn is a busy time in the garden, clearing away the decaying vegetation of the summer and preparing the garden for the cold…

Why Choose TandM?

Why choose Thompson andamp; Morgan? We strive to meet our own high standards and put our customers first - your happiness is our priority.

Leaf Blight | Pests and Diseases | Gardening Information

This page provides advice on leaf blight in your garden. The brown spots may be fungal leaf blight or lily disease. This type of fungus spreads freely in wet, humid conditions. The best way of preventing it is to grow lilies in sunny, well ventilated positions where the foliage will dry out quickly…

Growing potted plants gardening video

Watch our video on how to grow potted plants. Potted plants can be transplanted into the garden and grown on, but do need some care before doing so.

Thompson and Morgan - Help with Ordering

A guide to assist with navigating the site and placing an order.

How to Grow Giant Pumpkins

Ever fancied growing a giant pumpkin? Read our step-by-step guide and you may even produce a record-breaker! Just make sure your garden is big enough€¦

How to grow Buddleja Buzzandtrade;

Buddleja Buzzandtrade; will grow in almost any well drained soil. And because it's a dwarf variety it will grow just as happily in a container on your patio.

Giant Sunflower Press Release

Winning the TandM Giant Sunflower competition Mr Hope has some great advice and tops tips for you to grow your own giant sunflower

Michael Perry's Gardening Blog April 2012 - Easy Exotics

In the latest edition of his gardening blog, Michael Perry explains how easy it is to grow exotic-looking plants...and impress your neighbours!

Plum Fruit Moth | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Misshapen plums, and a black substance around the stone can be the work of the plum fruit moth. Find out how to identify and combat this garden pest.

Developing New Plant Varieties

In our flower breeding programme, we specialise in unusual annual and perennials. Charles Valin, our Plant Breeder explains how we develop new varieties.

Fruit | How To Gardening Guides

Whatever fruit trees, bushes or plants you would like to grow in your garden, view our our handy Fruit 'How To' gardening guides will help you get the best from your fruiting plants.

How to prune catalpa

Regularly pollarded, catalpa makes a fantastic large shrub at the back of a border. Here’s how to prune your catalpa.

Facebook Friday Freebie Terms and Conditions

Post a the URL of your favourite new product from the TandM Spring 2013 range to be in with a chance of winning it - Closing date 11:59pm (GMT) on Friday 25th January 2013


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