
10278 products, 807 articles, 680 blogs

Duchess of Cambridge's charity gets a boost

Thompson and Morgan is proudly supporting The Treehouse, a brand new hospice in Ipswich built by EACH (East Anglia's Childrens' Hospice) and officially opened in March this year by its Royal Patron, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge.

Growing marrows, courgettes and squashes

Growing marrows, courgettes and squashes

Who Am I Prize Draw Terms and Conditions

This page details the terms and conditions for our Who Am I prize draw.

How To Grow Potatoes In The Ground

Learn how to grow potatoes in the ground. If you have plenty of space in your vegetable garden, follow TandM's potato growing guide for the best results.

Help with Voucher Codes

This page is a help guide providing information on where to find your voucher code on your promotional or gift vouchers and what to do or check if your promotional or gift voucher code has not been recognised.

Black Friday 2016 - Black Friday Sale

Grab some Black Friday plants, bulbs, gifts and garden supples deals with Thompson and Morgan on 25th November 2016.

How to build a 3 tiered planter

A sturdy 3 tiered planter makes a fabulous addition to your patio. Learn how to put the three tiered planter together with our handy video guide.

How to beat downy mildew on Busy Lizzie plants

If your Busy Lizzies have been blighted with downy mildew, watch this video tutorial on how to treat diseased plants.

Strawberry Just Add Cream Press Release

Our fantastic new Strawberry 'Just Add Cream.' If it is not the best tasting strawberry you've ever grown we will give you your money back.

Michael Perry's Gardening Blog July 2012 - Unusual Things to Eat

In this week's gardening blog Michael Perry talks about unusual fruit and vegetables and edible flowers. Read more...

Seed Sowing Guide | Thompon and Morgan

This guide to germinating seeds, which has been compiled by our own horticultural experts in the US and the UK

Six Months of Fragrance

We've selected seven perfectly perfumed planting partners to bring you an extra long season of scent and colour.

Japanese Knotweed | Weed Control | Gardening Information

This page provides advice on Japanese Knotweed in your garden. It's very unlikely that Japanese Knotweed has self seeded in your garden. Even when they do produce seed it rarely germinates or survives the first frosts. Japanese Knotweed spreads in the UK through its rhizomes and pieces of broken stem.

Leatherjackets | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Leatherjackets - the larvae of daddy long legs - can damage your gardens before they hatch. Follow our tips to control the harm they can do to your lawn.

Viability of Vegetables

Lawrence D. Hills produced this poem in the style of Thomas Tusser (1524-80) to show how long vegetable seed can be kept. The Editor has had recourse to refer to it on numerous occasions since it first appeared in print in 1963.

Write a review for your chance to win

Write a review for your chance to win a Thompson andamp; Morgan andpound;50 e-voucher

Gardening Glossary - Glossary of Gardening Terms

View Thompson and Morgan's glossary of gardening terms and take the jargon out of gardening.

News Archive April 2012

News Archive April 2012: Patriotic plants, veg for pots, National Gardening Week, how-to videos, record-breaking pumpkins.

Blossom Wilt | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Blossom wilt is a fungus that affects fruit trees. Learn how to recognise, treat and prevent it in this article form the experts at TandM.

Terms of Business

For information about payment options, delivery charges, stock availability and our money back guarantee, you've come to the right place.

Undercover Sowing

Advice is given throughout on sowing seeds needing artificial heat for successful germination. However, there are a number of aspects of this fascinating branch of plant propagation best summarised here.

How to Grow Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas simply exude understated elegance, bringing real class to summer borders. Read on to learn how to grow Hydrangeas.

Growing Plants for Wildlife

Growing plants for wildlife is vital for the all-round biodiversity of your garden. You'll be helping populations of native insects and they in turn will help to keep pests under control.

Nutritional Guide of vegetables's Healthy Eating Guide

Home grown vegetables are rich in healthy vitamins and minerals. Find out from our vegetable nutrition guide which vegetables contain which vitamins and minerals and useful tips on how to maximise these vitamins and minerals when growing.

Edible Garden Show Competition

Terms and conditions for our Edible Garden Show competition.

Tomato Gigantomoandreg; Competition

Tomato Gigantomo® Competition from Thompson and Morgan - Experts in the garden since 1885

Geraniums | Geranium Varieties

This article outlines the history of geraniums, surveys the modern geranium varieties and most importantly, how to grow geraniums with success.

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This offer has expired. Visit for our current fantastic deals!

Plants for Coastal and Exposed Gardens

Learn the best plants for coastal and exposed sites. Discover the plants that thrive in tougher conditions from TandM’s guide.

Potato Selector Guide

Use our Potato Selector guide to find the perfect spud for your needs. TandM's guide helps you understand the the many varieties and which is best for you.


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