
10286 products, 807 articles, 680 blogs

Facebook questions Nov 12th

horticultural questions and answers 12th Nov - topics include: Overwintering begonias, Apple scab, Apple pollination, Pruning laburnum trees, Mildew on hardy geraniums.

What To Do In The Garden This Month

Use our monthly lists to stay up to date with all your seasonal gardening jobs, or just for some inspiration. Find out what to plant and grow in the garden now!

Unseasonal weather to blame for small pumpkins

Are your pumpkins struggling to grow? Blame the unseasonal weather - but don't despair, there are still many ways to use small pumpkins.

How to prune blueberries

There’s nothing quite like the tangy flavour of a fresh blueberry, and the best way to ensure a good crop of large, plump fruit is effective pruning. Find out when and how to prune here.

How to prune Honeyberries

Other than removing any dead or misplaced stems, it’s best to leave honeyberries alone for the first three years. Read our advice on how to grow and prune honeyberries.

Encouraging Bees in your garden

Bees play a key role in our gardens. There are two main types of bee; the Bumblebee and the Honeybee. Find out how to encourage bees in your garden.

What greenhouse to buy?

What greenhouse to buy? Greenhouse style and usage advice from Thompson and Morgan - Experts in the garden since 1885

Clubs and Societies Discount Scheme | Why Choose Us?

Discover the great benefits of ordering from Thompson and Morgan, including exclusive offers and discounts for clubs and societies.

Plant Scorch | Pests and Diseases | Gardening Information

This page provides advice on plant scorch in your garden. Blackening of the leaf tips would suggest that the plants have dried out at some point. This is a common problem with plants that are grown in containers as they are almost entirely reliant on you for their water supply during dry weather...

How to grow Runner Beans

Learn how to grow Runner Beans. TandM’s guide shows how easy it is to produce huge crops from your own garden.

News Archive July 2011

News Archive July 2011: Composting toilet, tips from gardening experts, open weekend, award-winning flowers, fruit and vegetables.

Facebook Question and Answer Session 27.06.14

Gardening questions and answers with Thompson and Morgans horticultural expert, Sue Sanderson.

Gardening Questions and Answers

Find out more about the Thompson and Morgan horticultural question and answer sessions including the latest questions asked and how to get involved.

Coleshill School Gardening Club | Club in the Spotlight

Together with the help of club member Jane Ormrod, Coleshill and District Gardening Club set about transforming the school grounds. Read on to find out more.

Squirrels | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Squirrels can be a nuisance in your garden. If they're rummaging in your pots or stealing your precious crops, here's what to do about it.

How to set up substituted irrigation system

If you have been supplied with a substituted version of Thompson and Morgan's irrigation kit, follow our simple instructions to get the best from your new watering system. This new kit has all of the same benefits of the original kit and is even easier to set up.

How to grow Poppies in your garden

Learn how to grow poppies in your own garden. Add striking splashes of colour to your borders, rockeries and gravelled areas with TandM’s simple growing guide.

How to prune buddleja

Pruning buddleja is easy, providing you know which type you have – different varieties are cut back at different times of the year. Learn when and how to prune your buddleja here.

Fungal Disease | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

There are many types of fungal disease that affect plants. The experts at TandM have put together tips for identfication, treatment and prevention for you here!

Butterflies | Encouraging Wildlife

Create a butterfly garden and help save our native butterflies and moths. Learn about the best plants for butterflies with our handy guide.

How to grow fuchsias

Fuchsias are versatile and easy to grow in any garden. Read on to learn how to grow fuchsias, and buy some fuchsia plants online today.

Horse Tails | Weed Control | Gardening Information

This page provides advice on how to get rid of horsetails in your garden. Horse tail, Equisetum Arvense, is such a nuisance! This weed has been around for millions of years and its roots can extend to more than 1.5m deep into the ground. It's a really tough plant that can re-grow from the smallest…

How To Grow Carrots

Learn how to grow carrots easily. TandM's guide to this versatile and tasty vegetable shows how you can grow them at home.

How To Use The Layar App

Bring your Thompson and Morgan catalogue to life with Layar, an interactive app which will bring the Thompson and Morgan catalogue to life in your hands

Peach Leaf Curl | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

If your peach leaves are deformed and discoloured, peach leaf curl could be the issue. Find out how to identify, treat and prevent this fungal condition here.

Gall Mites | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Gall mites are largely harmless, but if you have a large infestation, plants can suffer. Learn more about the symptoms of gall mite damage here.

Best Pruning Tools Tools Explained

Want to know what are the best pruning tools to use. Read our pruning tools guide which explains all.

Birds | Encouraging wildlife

Birds are among the most welcome garden visitors. Read on to discover how to attract birds to your garden and help your local wildlife.

Thompson and Morgan - Team Profile: Sue Foster

Team Profiles; Sue Foster. Horticultural advisor to the web team.

'How to' Gardening Video Library

Are you a gardener looking for tips and advice or simply after inspiration? View our easy to follow 'How To' Gardening Videos to find out tips and advice from our gardening experts.

Not Just Hedging

Hedging perfect for boundaries, but it is so much more than that. Our not just hedging article explains where hedging can be used to add beauty to your garden

Birds | Pests and Diseases

Find out how to protect your crops from birds in your garden. Birds love fresh berries and will often strip fruit plants before the crop has ripened.


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