
10278 products, 807 articles, 680 blogs

Summer Sizzler container design

Not sure what to grow in your patio containers? Browse our 'Get the look' pages for planting ideas, colour themes and garden inspiration.

Save Our Native Butterflies

There are 58 species of butterfly native to the UK and many of these are under threat of extinction. Find out what you can do to help save the butterflies.

Highlights of Autumn 2012

View some highlights of our Autumn Plants Range 2012

Berries for Birds

Our new bird care range, now has a guide explaining which plants are best for birds. With bird feed and plants we have everything birds need

What are Obelisks

Obelisks provide support for climbing or rambling plants and can add both character and style to your garden. Find out more about obelisks in our guide

Ants | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Ants are often beneficial to a garden but can sometimes cause harm. If they're a nuisance to you, read our advice on preventing damage from ants on your plants.

Tokely's Tales Gardening Blog - April 2012

The recent hosepipe ban and subsequent deluge of rain and spell of cold weather has slowed down progress in Andrew Tokely's garden and on his allotment, but as ever, there is still plenty to do!

How To Grow Watercress

You don't need a river or stream running through your garden to grow watercress. Find out how to grow watercress at home with our guide.

News Archive March 2012

News Archive March 2012: Duchess of Cambridge EACH visit, new plant packaging, plants for pollinators, hosepipe ban, bedding plants€¦

Terms and Conditions for Selfie Competition

Terms and Conditions for the Seed Catalogue Selfie Competition

Where Should I Locate My Greenhouse

If you are looking to get a new greenhouse but not sure where to locate it, use our handy guide to help find the answers.

How To Grow Butternut Squash | Thompspon and Morgan

Learn how to grow butternut squash. Butternut squash are easy to grow through the summer and can be stored for months, find out how with TandM’s guide.

Social Community

Welcome to our Social Community section of our website, where you can find information about our social networks, our forum, question and answer section, what's on and what our horticultural teams are up to.

Pear Leaf Blister Mite | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

If your pear leaves are looking ravaged, it may be pear leaf blister mite. Here are some ways to recognise and prevent damage from these bugs.

Garden Clocks | Thomspon and Morgan

Garden clocks are becoming ever more popular now that the age of the mobile phone is here. Read more about garden clocks in our article.

Thompson and Morgan - Open Weekend

Each year, Thompson and Morgan open their trial grounds to the public for 2 wonderful days at the end of July or beginning of August. Visitors have the opportunity to view new varieties and customer favourites, take home planting ideas, and buy from the brand new seed range before anyone else.

What to look for when buying garden furniture

Not sure what to look for when buying garden furniture? Take a look at our handy article to help you make the right furniture choice for your garden

Gardening for Beginners

Our Gardening for Beginners page contains lots of gardening information to help you get started in your garden. Let us help you to grow your gardening skills

Top varieties recommended by our experts

The experts at Thompson and Morgan have been kind enough to share their advice on which plant varieties are top of their list this year.

Log Splitters and How They Work

Splitting logs is hard work. With our new guidelines we explain how to do it safely, and which tool is best to use.

Pricking out and hardening off seedlings

Advice and information on how to prick out and harden off your seedlings

Recipes | Fat Free Cherry Cake

A fat free cherry cake that is just delicious. A great way to use up your spare cherries that you may have grown in the garden.

Garden News Gardener Of The Year 2011 - with Thompson and Morgan

GN Gardener of the Year has long been regarded as one of Britain's most prestigious garden competitions and now it's even bigger and better with superb prizes from Thompson and Morgan.

Tokely's Tales Gardening Blog - January 2012

Is it really only January? The weather's so mild and it's very tempting to start sowing seeds early. Try to resist - sowing later means stronger plants!

Badgers | Encouraging Wildlife

Badgers are one of the most recognisable of our native mammals and yet they are rarely seen.

Twitter Customer Trials Panel Terms and Conditions

This page details the terms and conditions of the customer trials panel competition.

Tokely's Tales Gardening Blog

Gardening hints and tips from Thompson and Morgan's expert horticulturalist, Andrew Tokely. Visit this page every month for regular updates on what to do in your garden.

Tokely's Tales Gardening Blog - April 2012

Using water wisely - this month Andrew Tokely gives advice on how to keep your garden looking at its best without wasting water.

Tokely's Tales Gardening Blog - July 2012

This month in his gardening blog Andrew Tokely talks about his recent visit to the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.

2012 Garden New Year's Resolutions

Staff at Thompson and Morgan make their new year's resolutions for their gardens and allotments in 2012.

Michael Perry's Gardening Blog April 2012 - Exploring Fragrance

In his blog this week Michael Perry talks about fragrant flowers, including some old favourites and some slightly more unusual plants.

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Save up to 25% - choose your offer

Tawny Mining Bee | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Tawny mining bees are largely harmless, but can cause unsightly damage to lawns. Here's how to respond to their presence in your garden.

Fungal Leaf Spot | Pests and Diseases

This page provides advice on how to get rid of fungal leaf spot from your garden plants.

Foxes | Encouraging Wildlife

Foxes are remarkably intelligent creatures, adapting their lifestyle and diet to their surroundings with astonishing ease.


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