
10311 products, 807 articles, 680 blogs

Fifty shades of green

Couldn’t get tickets for the opening weekend of Fifty Shades of Grey? Get out in the garden instead; try our Fifty Shades of Green this season!We now offer a range of over 300 mature shrubs and perennials for instant impact in your garden. No garden should be without hassle-free herbaceous…

Bedding plant masterclass: best expert content

Plant Petunia 'Easy Wave Ultimate Mixed' for bright splashes of colourImage: Petunia 'Easy Wave Ultimate Mixed' from Thompson & MorganDo you want a spectacular display of bedding plants in your garden, pots and hanging baskets? We've searched the internet to find the best independent expert…

Fairytale Foxgloves

Image: Canva There has long been an association between fairies and foxgloves. Folklore says that fairies gave the flowers to foxes to wear on their paws so they could tread silently when hunting. There is certainly something magical about their slender spires and they make excellent border plants,…

Brassicas and winter veg masterclass: best expert content

With excellent frost hardiness, this is a fantastic plant to grow when fresh garden produce is scarce!Image: Kale Midnight Sun' from Thompson & Morgan Do you want ideas for second crops to extend your vegetable growing season beyond summer? Or perhaps you want to know what vegetables to plant…

Top 10 perennial plants

Top 10 Perennial PlantsPerennial flowers add colour and seasonal interest to the garden from April to November, often attracting bees and butterflies to their blooms, and making great cut flowers too. They are incredibly versatile and can be used as fillers between shrubs, planted as groundcover…

Best plants for shady gardens

Brighten up dark corners with shade-loving plantsImage: Elena Elisseeva Does your garden have a Cinderella spot? A part that doesn't get the same love and attention as the rest? Chances are, says Mandy Bradshaw of The Chatty Gardener, it's a shady area. Sunny borders might seem more interesting and…

Pollinator Plants

Bees, birds and butterflies are reducing in numbers and whilst the cold weather is contributing to their reduction, there are so many things we can do to help increase their numbers.By growing more pollinator friendly plants, you can provide food for our pollinating insects. Simple right? However,…


Hello Gardeners, I can't quite believe this will be my fourth year writing for T&M. I have learned so much more about writing blogs as well as gardening over the years. I've shared my ups and downs with you, and formed many friendships with the blogging community. One of things I love is your…

T&M's top 10 trends for 2019

In an ever changing gardening world, everyone is looking for both short term and long term drivers which we use to shape the way that we British gardeners use our outdoor spaces. We took a look at what we at T&M thought would be the top 10 trends for 2019:1. Hot colours and cold hardinessOur…

Top 5 flower and vegetable seeds recommended by our experts

Sue Sanderson and Colin Randel, two of Thompson & Morgan’s experts give their top 5 flower and vegetable seeds for the new season…FlowersSue Sanderson is Thompson & Morgan’s  Horticulturist and has 11 years of gardening experience.Rudbeckia ‘Cherry Brandy’When…

Hanging baskets masterclass: best expert content

Hanging baskets are easy to maintain and growImage: Nurseryman's Choice Hanging Basket Mixed Collection from Thompson & Morgan Here's all the advice you need to help you enjoy the best hanging baskets you've ever created. Packed with useful articles, videos and Instagram posts - these gardeners…

Onions masterclass: best expert content

Homegrown onions ready for storageImage: Onion sets 'Troy' (Autumn planting) from Thompson & MorganFor the best independent advice on growing onions, we've found a selection of expert articles, videos and Instagram posts to help you raise a bumper crop. Whether you prefer to plant onion sets in…

Expert garden upcycling tips

Waste not, want not - the frugal gardener's mantra. Image source: Ondacaracola Savvy gardeners are frugal gardeners for whom 'waste' is a dirty word. Here we present some top tips from growers with a passion for repurposing, reusing, and recycling - ways to save money and the environment while…

The 10 Best Plants for April

Chaenomeles x superba 'Pink Lady' Image: Canva April is an exciting time and there is plenty to do in borders:As perennials emerge, look out for losses and gaps and plan how you are going to fill them. Get new perennials in as soon as you can and sow drifts of hardy annuals into warm soil. Hoick…

Our Summer Display – by Pam Gray

I am really looking forward to writing some blogs for Thompson & Morgan and as this is my first piece, I will tell you a little bit about our garden and myself. Our garden isn’t huge, 40′ x 27′ at the front and approx 80′ x 30′ at the back, with a very small garden…

How to encourage bees into your garden

How to encourage bees into your gardenSedumBees play a key role in pollinating many fruits and vegetables. 35 per cent of our diet depends on pollination of crops by bees! Bees are active between February and October and it is crucial they have enough food during this time to help them through the…

Favourite scented plants, voted by RHS members

The RHS conducted a survey in spring 2013, in which it asked its members for their favourite scented plants.Traditional flowers such as sweet peas, hyacinths and honeysuckle topped the list, which consisted mainly of spring-flowering plants. We’ve selected one of our own best-selling plants…

Genuinely romantic men grow their own cut flowers

Win a place on a course at the Kitchen Garden School. See below for detailsLast month a branch with a very early blossom on it broke off one of the ornamental cherry trees in the main garden I watched my husband from the warmth of the house take a pair of secateurs and cut the lonely fallen branch…

Ho ho sow

In ‘Ho ho sow’, Jane Scorer shares some great ideas for Christmas gifts.Are you in the midst of your Christmas shopping? If you are, then I bet you can feel an oppressive weight on your shoulders, that burden of what to buy for people this year. What do you buy for the ones who have…

Plants for Wildlife

Plants for wildlifeThere are so many benefits to attracting wildlife into your garden. Apart from saving the decline of our native species, garden wildlife also acts as a natural pest control, preventing the need to spray harmful chemicals all over your garden. If you grow fruit and vegetables,…

Tough plants for tough places

Sedum Herbstfreude' is ideal for poor soil and dry conditionsImage: Peter Turner Photography Many people have a tough spot in their garden - too dry, too shady, or just too exposed to be able to easily grow plants that will thrive. Others have damp, boggy areas or frost pockets that present…

The Best Hedges for Chalky Soil

Chalky soil can be tricky to work withImage: Shutterstock Chalky soils can be challenging. But, with the correct soil preparation and care, there are a host of suitable hedging plants which will happily cope with these conditions. Here is an introduction to some of the best, plus an A-Z list of…

Top 10 best-selling plants of 2018

This pretty hydrangea won the nation's hearts and Chelsea's Plant of the Year 2018Image: Hydrangea Runaway Bride' by Thompson & Morgan Are you looking for some garden inspiration? Or just curious about which plants were gardeners' favourites last year? Here are our ten best-selling plants of…

From Rake To Bake - Egg-cellent Potato Salad.

Welcome to Baking Blog. Each month will feature an in-season fruit or vegetable dish to make with a little bit of grow-your-own information on the side. July is perfect for making Egg-cellent Potato Salad. With second-lates and main-crop potatoes in abundance grown either in sacks or the ground,…

The Best Plants for May

Lupins and alliums are classic cottage garden plants for May - their contrasting shapes work beautifully togetherImage: Shutterstock May is a fabulous time in the garden - fresh spring foliage is injected with colour from early herbaceous perennials, tulips give way to alliums and iris, whilst…

13 superb soup recipes

Try out these delicious plot-to-bowl recipesImage: Chainupong Hiporn Homemade soup isn't just good for the soul - it's a healthy, wholesome and cost-effective meal that makes excellent use of homegrown veg. If you're taking part in this week's Big Soup Share, or you're looking for new ideas to fill…

Therapeutic Gardening? My nerves are in tatters!

Thompson and Morgan Triallist's Blog - June 2018 I have this fantasy image of myself in diaphanous summer dress, wandering around my garden with a woven willow trug and floral secateurs, in the hazy lazy afternoon sunshine, listening to the soporific buzzing of the bees, whilst gently snipping…

From Rake To Bake.

Welcome to my new monthly Baking Blog. Each month will feature an in-season fruit or vegetable dish to make with a little bit of grow-your-own information on the side. January is perfect for making Parsnip Scones! The humble parsnip, a mainstay of the Sunday Roast has been cultivated since the…

Inspiring indoor gardening blogs

Take advice from these expert houseplant bloggersImage: Houseplant 'Urban Jungle' Collection from T&M Growing indoor plants is fun, rewarding and even good for your health. House plants purify the air, help counteract mould and fungi, and the sight of foliage and flowers in the midst of winter…

Top 10 winter bedding plants

Top 10 winter bedding plantsAs summer draws to an end it’s an ideal time to be thinking about winter bedding plants for cheerful colour during the coldest months of the year! Winter bedding plants are biennial or perennial plants which are planted in the autumn, some flowering throughout the…

Top 10 best-selling plants of 2012

This list of Thompson & Morgan’s top 10 best-selling plants is quite a mix – from cottage garden favourites to new and unusual flowers – and shows that customers really do like variety when it comes to their gardens!Apple Cox’s Orange Pippin1. Apple Cox’s Orange…

Five tips for planting for pollinators

Important pollinators like bees, butterflies and moths are in declineImage: Marek Mierzejewski Bees, butterflies and other pollinators are under threat, so there's never been a better time for gardeners to help by adding a few plants to support them. Here, Mandy Bradshaw from The Chatty Gardener…

All is growing in the garden

Because March was so mild everything in the garden is moving on at long last, but because the soil is still quite wet and cold below, night frosts are still around so it is important to take great care.So far on my allotment I have direct sowed onion sets, making sure I sow them into the driest…

Fantastic foliage: 18 plants to green your garden

Foliage adds structure, depth and interest to any garden planting schemeImage: Shutterstock Foliage gives your garden all year-round interest. Not only does it fill the gaps between flowers, it's a good way to add vibrancy to shady areas. We've chosen 18 of our favourite plants includingconifers,…

Messy Job, This Gardening Lark

Autumn colour came late this year, and puff, it was gone, leaving chaos and disorder in its wake. Now I'm a bit fussy about tidiness, not the best character trait for a gardener. And I'm not a fan of formal or minimalist gardens, preferring the organised chaos of more naturalistic schemes. This…

Spring? Blink and You've Missed It!

So on Thursday 19th April we went away for The Long Weekend (more of that later). 27°c. Evidence of new shoots emerging in garden at last. Daffodils coming into bloom. Last minute seed sowing completed. Fast forward to Sunday 22nd, 24°c, daffs gone over, tulips out already! Fern coils,…


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