Following its success at RHS Chelsea Flower Show in May, our fantastic in-house-bred sunflower, SunBelievable™ 'Brown Eyed Girl' has won even more awards and accolades. Proving hugely popular in the US, the new sunflower was awarded the Retailers' Choice Award at the FARWEST Show in Portland,…
It's a very exciting time of year. RHS Chelsea Flower Show preparations are in full swing and the countdown is on. This year, Thompson & Morgan is teaming up with Sparsholt College who are creating a 'Behind the Genes' show garden which is diving into the science behind plant breeding and…
1,520lb whopper wins £1,000 for Dorset farmerMark receiving his £1,000 cheque from T&M’s Sarah CurtisThompson & Morgan handed over a cheque for £1,000 to Dorset dairy farmer, Mark Baggs, at the annual Autumn Pumpkin Festival in Southampton last Saturday for his 1,520lb winning giant…
Want to take a peek behind the scenes at QVC Italy? Now you can!A few weeks ago, we treated Italian customers to an amazing offer on our professional grade, xxl strawberry plants… it’s quite an epic trip to Italy, as we need to drive all the product across in our trusty white van!Track…
I’m very pleased with this pair of Raspberry ‘Ruby Beauty’™ plants that found their way to my desk today. I wasn’t expecting them so it was a lovely surprise! This compact little variety is the latest thing in Raspberries. It’s a dwarf variety that’s…
Beating Blue Monday in the gardenBeating Blue MondayToday is Blue Monday, apparently the most depressing day of the year. According to research, people working in horticulture are less likely to be affected (see our recent post ‘Gardening best for job satisfaction for more info). With this in…
I have been gardening since I was knee high to my Grandad, he taught me as much about gardening when I was a nipper as I learnt at school about reading and writing! My father is also a keen gardener and so I have had a very well rounded gardening education. I have been working as a self employed…
On November 16th I leave the UK to trek 100km across the Costa Rican jungle for the Alzheimer’s Society.My NanaMy Nana, who gave me my crazy thirst for plants, gardening and being outdoors, sadly died a few years ago. Without her getting me hooked on plants, I wouldn’t be where I am…
Customer trial panel member Bijal has been testing plants for Thompson & Morgan for a few years. He has just joined the blogging team and will be giving updates on his garden throughout the year.Bijal MistryI started gardening as a child helping my mum planting baskets and tubs. I clearly…
Have you ever been left puzzled for days on end, trying to remember the name of that plant in your border? We've all been there - racking our memory for an elusive plant name! What if you could catalogue your plants online so that their names were all there at your fingertips? Even better, if you…
A product that can boost your flower power by up to 400 per cent! We can understand why you would question this, but this product really does work. Gardeners using incredibloom™ plant feed are already seeing the amazing results, but with the season now in full swing you can use…
I was never really sure when "spring" is meant to start, having just some lumpen idea of it being to do with daffodils generally being around and not needing to put on your big coat as much. Turns out the cats, yes the cats, are well ahead of us. Come spring, and I'm being quite serious you…
Did you know that august is the perfect time to give your wisteria a summer prune?Wisteria is the quintessential climber for the English cottage garden. A well-grown wisteria is an absolute joy in May and June when the beautiful, scented pendants of flowers drape from the branches in a breathtaking…
New Spring Catalogues are on their way! Thompson & Morgan's new spring catalogues are in and will soon be winging their way to gardeners up and down the UK. The full spring range is now available online at www.thompson-morgan. com and offers the horticultural mail order company's customers a…
Advice for the new allotment holderThis short post is all about string. The string-thing is aimed at new allotment plot holders. As they, like me, may be daunted by the large slab of ground they have just taken on annual rent from the local council.Where to begin with plotting, sowing, portioning…
I have been to Chelsea before – I have always loved it and I’m sure I always will. Never before have I felt so excited about going as I did this year. The last time I went to Chelsea, it was the second day and I went with one of my best friends, a florist who runs a fantastic florist…
Arthur Davies at the Suffolk Show – last season for veteran vegetable exhibitorArthur with Camilla, Duchess of CornwallThompson & Morgan’s vegetable ‘show man’, Arthur Davies, will stage his last impressive vegetable display at the Suffolk Show in Ipswich on 29th and…
Read the latest gardening news here.EC fight to help bees goes onNeonicotinoid debate goes onNeonicotinoids have been in the news a lot lately, with the EC calling for a 2-year ban on the use of any pesticides containing the chemicals, claiming that they are harmful to bees. Several studies have…
It has been just over a year ago that I was elected to become the Show Secretary of my local horticultural society. At the age of 22, I believe I may be one of the youngest Show Secretary's ever! Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year in the role. The first job of the year is to compile…
Turnip chutneyAllotment Garden Print Recipe Pin Recipe Ingredients 2 lb turnips1 lb apples1 lb onions8 oz sultanas or dates8 oz sugar¢ oz turmeric1 tsp dry mustard1 oz salt1 pinch cayenne or black pepper1 pint vinegarNotesIf you find yourself with an unexpected glut of something unusual, join John…
Perennial weeds are far trickier to deal with than annual weeds. They die back in winter each year before re-emerging the following spring so you need to kill the root in order to kill the plant. Worse still, some weeds such as bindweed can propagate themselves from the tiniest piece of broken…
Back row l to r: Anne Wooden, Erin Geaves, Michael Perry, Paul Hansord, John MayFront row l to r: Sue Adams, Chloe Farmer, Kim Parker, Marilyn KeenEmployees clock up 165 years – long-service awards for dedicated Thompson & Morgan staffA group of employees from Thompson & Morgan is…
Be nice to nettles week 15th-26th May 2013Stinging nettles – grow some in your garden!‘Nice’ isn’t the first word that comes to mind when thinking of stinging nettles, but these native plants really do deserve more affection. This week is ‘Be nice to nettles’…
This Halloween we set up a pumpkin carving competition on our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages and had some amazing entries. We offered 3 prizes consisting of £20, £10 and £5 in Thompson & Morgan vouchers and the winners have now been chosen.The quality of carvings was very impressive, and…
…Thompson & Morgan!The Sun’s Peter Seabrook presenting the award for Best Online/Mail Order Retailer to Paul Hansord, Thompson & Morgan’s horticultural director.At the annual Garden Retail Awards, held last Tuesday, 5th November at the Grosvenor Hotel on London’s…
Exciting career opportunities within Thompson & MorganThompson & Morgan, which has been based in Ipswich since 1855, has grown to become one of the UK’s most successful horticultural seed and plant companies. Through the publication of its catalogues, the operation of its…
You too can get involved in Defra’s Big Tree Plant…Big Tree Plant – DefraDefra’s Big Tree Plant started in 2012 with the aim of encouraging people to plant more trees throughout England.So far, over 239,000 have trees been planted and funding is available to community…
We were extremely happy to be selected as a TomTato® trialler for Thompson & Morgan. To grow an innovative and inspiring plant is such a great opportunity and I am here to share the journey with you. When our TomTato® arrived safe and sound I was incredibly excited to begin the growing process.…
RSPB Big Garden BirdwatchRSPB Big Garden Birdwatch – join in and do your bit!The annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is taking place this weekend, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th January, to monitor bird species visiting Britain’s parks and gardens.It’s really easy to join in –…
Thompson & Morgan are extremely proud to announce that they have raised over £50,000 for the Greenfingers charity.Their customers and staff rose to the challenge to raise £50,000 through numerous sponsored events such as cake sales and donations through plant sales. This has not been an easy…
Summer bedding plants don’t all have to be petunias and marigolds! As well as the more common bedding plants there are a huge range of annual bedding plants you can grow for height, scent and colour, from cornflowers and sweet peas to rudbeckia and zinnias. Some, such as petunias and…
About a month ago we posted about the Great British Garden Revival, a new gardening show on BBC2 that aims to reignite the nation’s passion for gardens full of flowers, plants and trees. The 10-part series starts tonight at 7pm, with Monty Don and Joe Swift featuring in the first…
There is one thing that unites us as gardeners – our dislike of weeds! Competing with our carefully tended plants for light, space, water and nutrients, and often more vigorous in growth than our cultivated varieties.If like me, you are busy with work and family, it’s all too easy to…
Thompson & Morgan donations total £42,000 with recent chequeThompson & Morgan is proudly supporting The Treehouse Appeal, a brand new hospice in Ipswich built by EACH (East Anglia’s Childrens’ Hospice) and officially opened in March this year by its Royal Patron, HRH The Duchess…
So, I heard we (Thompson & Morgan) were having a floral fantasia trial garden this year at RHS Hyde Hall in Chelmsford and I was very pleased, and couldn't wait to visit. Then I got an email asking me to help plant it up, I was over the moon!!! Since starting my new career in Horticulture many…
What’s in your garden? It could be a real treasure trove!What’s in your garden? It could be a real treasure trove!A step in a garden in Devon is thought to be a moonstone, similar to the ones found in Sri Lankan temples from around 400BC-1000AD.This extremely rare find could fetch up to…
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