Special Seed Collections: Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew
News Archive November 2011: Shelf life of vegetable seeds, Tokely's Tales gardening blog, groundcover plants, Christmas gifts for gardeners, winter greenhouses.
An overview of all our greenhouse articles to help choose and get the most from your greenhouse.
Belinda Estell from Southampton has sent in another fabulous recipe. This time she has shown us a great way of using up a glut of tomatoes - even the green ones!
In warm, sunny areas petunias are amongst the most showy and reliable summer bedding plants. Graham Rice explains how to grow them from seed and chooses the best varieties for ideal and less than ideal conditions...
Containers help utilise all the available space in your garden €“ they brighten up walls, fences and patios. Most plants can be grown in a container but some are better suited to this than others. We've put together a list of the best plants for containers, baskets, flower pouches and window boxes…
Harden off half-hardy plants ready for planting in the garden. Harvest rhubarb and asparagus. Water young fruit trees well while they are putting on rapid growth.
Sow tomato seeds indoors during March/April and plant out in grow bags in May. Protect from draughts when young. Get great tips and tricks to grow your tomatoes from TandM.
Exclusive Best Sellers Seed Collection including our TandM Exclusive products Runner Bean Moonlight and Cosmos 'Brightness Mixed'
A delicious summer salad made with grated beetroot, carrots, onions, raisins and olive oil.
Find the best easy to grow vegetables here using Thompson and Morgan's top ten easy to grow vegetables, fruit and salad guide and infographic.
Watch our video on growing tomatoes from plug plants to get your tomatoes off to the best start.
A chance find in a seed store led to the discovery of a new nasturtium - 'Crimson Emperor', named Thompson and Morgan's Flower of the year 2013.
Summer's nearly over, so it's time to think about planting bulbs and winter-flowering plants. It's also the perfect time to think about planting fruit. Read more here€¦
News Archive August 2011: Potato selector guide, yellow raspberries, early autumn, busy lizzies and downy mildew, save the English apple tree and more.
The best time to prune your goji is spring. Wait until the buds begin to break, as it will be easier to see where any stems have died back over winter.
View our range of new seed varieties. Choose your favourites from over 50 new flower and vegetables seed introductions.
Lilies can be prone to fungal infections. Find out more about them and what to do about them in this article from Thompson and Morgan.
Horticultural questions and answers 7th September 2012 - Topics include: Dianthus barbatus cuttings, Tomatoes for coastal sites, Reusing compost, Replanting Heuchera, Organic Flea Beetle control.
Many delightful daisy varieties have been developed from the humble lawn daisy. Jean Andrews describes some of the daisies in her National Collection.
This page provides advice on how to tell if your compost has been hot enough to kill off weed seeds.
Automated drip irrigation systems in your garden help you save time, water and money. Learn how to install one using our helpful video tutorial.
Whichever type of apple tree you grow, regular pruning is important if you want it to stay healthy and produce lots of fruit. Here’s how and when to prune your apple trees.
When choosing trees for small gardens it is worth considering just how much space you have and which seasons of interest best suit your planting scheme. Trees can bring all sorts of interest to your garden whether through flowers, foliage, fruit or bark; and can create colour and interest all year…
Watch our video to find out how to assemble and plant up a Flower Ballandtrade;. You can create stunning hanging baskets too with our easy to follow how to video guide.
Learn how many plants to use per hanging basket or container, with our table of the most popular bedding plants, showing the quantities you'll need for the best display!
Thompson andamp; Morgan run several competitions each year including one seeking the best Photo of Petunias. The winning photo will be awarded a prize and the chance to appear on the website or even in a Thompson andamp; Morgan catalogue.
Each year, Thompson andamp; Morgan run competitions, prizes will be awarded to the best display of Treeliliesandreg; also with the chance for your photo to appear in our catalogues.
News Archive January 2012: Name that sunflower, fuchsias, super healthy currants, photo competitions, new black fuchsia, Alan Titchmarsh Collection€¦
Side-shooting tomato plants will produce better fruits - watch our video to learn more about pinching out tomatoes.
Trees and shrubs from seed, including Bonsai and pruning and trimming advice
Request your free copy of the latest flower and vegetable seed and plant catalogues from Thompson and Morgan
Growing perennials in an herbaceous border is really simple. Follow our 5 step guide to get the best from your perennial borders.
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