Mrs Christine Simpson from Belstead Allotments in Ipswich explains why she wanted a composting toilet for the site and how she went about it.
Thompson and Morgan, your online garden centre for the finest ranges of seeds, plants, bulbs, potatoes and fruit. Receive £10 off £50 spend.
Introducing incredibloom® - the industry-grade fertiliser that promises up to 400% more flowers. Part of the incredirange® from Thompson and Morgan
This page provides advice on how to get rid of horse radish in your garden. We're afraid you'll need to be persistent with this! Dig up as much of the roots as you can (dig deeply rather than just pulling them up from the surface).
Read hints and tips on the best way to rid your garden of weeds. Practical advice from Thompson and Morgan, the experts in the garden.
Growing your own fruit is very rewarding and with so many different ways of training them, there is a fruit tree to suit every size of garden.
Terms and conditions for the Thompson and Morgan facebook likes giveaway
This page details the terms and conditions for our Guess the Product prize draw.
Horticultural questions and answers 25th November - topics include: Pelargonium not flowering, Fusarium patches on lawns, Strawberrries for all season cropping, Growing Box hedges
This is a really warming soup, perfect for a chilly day. We often use a teaspoon or so of dried, crushed chillies from a jar.
Tomato stems looking mouldy and unhealthy? Could be tomato stem canker - learn how to treat it and prevent recurrence here.
Brian Mathew talks about hellebores which have been growing in popularity in recent years. Find out the best advice for growing hellebores from seed.
Satisfaction Guarantee Thompson and Morgan Plants and Seeds
Most plants need light to grow and keep them healthy, but not all plants need light to germinate, and, as we shall see, some seeds find light a hindrance.
This page details the terms and conditions of the Pumpkin Carving Competition on Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus.
Learn what to do in the garden in March. TandM shows what to fruit, veg and flowers to plant and sow in your garden in this early Spring month.
Buying a greenhouse? Do you know what size you want, and what you are going to use if for? Our handy guide can help with these questions.
Fuchsia Festival is in full swing so let us introduce you to a few of our favourite fuchsia varieties.
Grab some Black Friday 2015 plant and seed bargains with Thompson and Morgan on 27th November 2015.
Growing potatoes couldn't be easier - we show you how to grow potatoes in this video.
Michael Perry, Thompson and Morgan's New Product Development Manager gives hot-off-the-press information on progress in Thompson and Morgan's plant breeding lab and trial grounds.
Read our Companion Planting Guide. TandM’s guide reveals which plants mutually benefit from being planted together.
All seeds are divided into categories and these are shown in the catalogues and elsewhere by abbreviations, such as HA, HP and so on. This is a shorthand way of describing a plant's growing characteristics...
Planting up your pond is not as tricky as it sounds. Learn about aquatic zones and how to choose the best aquatic plants for your garden pond.
Don't wait for science to put the taste back into mass-produced supermarket tomatoes €“ grow your own at home!
Find out what to sow in March now that Spring is finally here. Read TandM's guide for the plants to concentrate on in March.
Summer flowering bulbs take up very little space in the garden so you can squeeze a few into the fullest of borders. Take a look at our pick of the best summer bulbs.
News Archive May 2012: Foxglove 'Illumination Pink', RHS Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Year award, Tokely's Tales gardening blog, sow annuals now, recipes.
Leek rust is unsightly but mostly harmless. Learn how to deal with this fungal infection in this article from TandM's experts.
Planting Thompson and Morgan's hugely successful hardy annual, Power Daisy, could help bees survive the winter months.
Begonias are the best because they're so versatile! They're easy to grow, come in many shapes and sizes. Find out all about begonias in our Big Begonia Revival.
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