
10277 products, 807 articles, 680 blogs

Fruit Growing Guide

Growing your own fruit trees and bushes is extremely rewarding. Find out how to get the best from your fruit plants in our fruit growing guide.

Transplanting Tomato Plants Video

We demonstrate how to plant tomatoes out in their final positions in this video.

Wildlife Gardening

Our wildlife gardening guides give a great insight into how you can encourage wildlife into your own garden, from growing wildflowers, to installing ponds and more

How To Grow Garlic

Learn how to garlic. TandM’s guide shows how to plant, grow and harvest garlic easily even in small spaces.

Growing peas video | gardening video

Follow our how to grow peas video tutorial for advice on planting, growing and harvesting both shelling and edible podded peas.

Garden Wall and Patio Heaters

Garden wall and patio heaters are perfect if you want to spend more time outdoors in your garden but are put off because of the cold temperatures

Keeping Records of Seed Sowing

Over the years sowing records can build up into very valuable sources of information. Dr. Tim Ingram writes about his own methods. The thrill of growing new plants from seed is an experience universal to all gardeners...

Plants for a Purpose

Our informative Plants for a Purpose guides are ideal for helping gardeners to pick the right plant for the right place and purpose.

Hardy Annuals: Part 2

Graham Rice discusses cultural matters and recommends familiar and unusual varieties of hardy annuals and looks at summer and autumn sowing.

Fuchsia Festival 2015

The Fuchsia Festival 2015 celebrates all things fuchsia with a range of information including new varieties, fuchsia growing tips and so much more!

rootgrow„¢ Seed Companion - Your Friendly Mycorrhizal Fungi

Give your seeds and plants the best start in life. Within 4 weeks, seedlings and plants will grow a huge secondary root system which will support them for their entire life.

Plants for Sunny and Dry Borders | Plants for a Purpose

Learn which are the best plants for sunny and dry borders. Sunny gardens are ideal for lots of plants but not-so for others. Read TandM’s guide covering annuals to edibles.

Top recycling tips for the garden

Gardeners are hoarders! Creative recycling can often produce some of the most inventive ideas and could save you a small fortune in buying the latest gardening kit.

News Archive September 2011 Thompson and Morgan

News Archive September 2011: Tomato Sungold 20th anniversary, grow your own mushrooms, winter vegetables, garden pests and diseases, tomato blight€¦

Fun Photo Competition Full Terms and Conditions

Enter your photos into Thompson and Morgan's photo competitions for the chance to win great prizes. Terms and conditions apply.

Russian Vine Weed | Weed Control | Gardening Information

This page provides advice on how to get rid of Russian vine weed in your garden. As you have probably found, Russian Vine (Fallopia baldschuanica) can be very invasive€¦its other common name is Mile-a-Minute plant! Firstly, cut the plant back hard to just a few feet above ground level.

Become a guest blogger

Become a guest blogger on Thompson and Morgan's gardening blog. Read on to find out how to submit a guest post.

Top 10 tips for heating a greenhouse in winter

Feeling the chill? Here are ten top tips on how to heat your greenhouse and protect tender plants over the winter. Find out what horticultural professional Sue Sanderson advises to help make your greenhouse heating more efficient, avoid high energy costs and reduce the impact on the environment.

How to grow tomatoes step 3

Sideshooting tomato plants increases the strength of the main plant and you can even plant up the sideshoots to get even more tomatoes!

Twitter New Plant Naming Terms and Conditions

This page details the terms and conditions of the Twitter new plant name competiton

Handling Small Seeds

Many plants have fine, dust-like seeds. They are produced in copious amounts to ensure that at least a few germinate. Find out how to handle small seeds.

Old Fashioned Sweet Peas

The term 'Old-Fashioned' refers to the sweet pea, Lathyrus odoratus, which came to this country from Sicily in 1699 and was developed and remarkably improved in the latter part of the last century. This group is sometimes termed grandifloras.

Breeding fuchsias: Part 2: Hybridisation

In the second part of his article about breeding fuchsias, Jack Wilson looks at the fuchsia hybridisation programme.

Facebook Guess the Plant Competition

Facebook Guess the Plant Competition

Pruning Buddleja 'Buzz'™ gardening video

Learn when and how to prune your Buddleja Buzz in this helpful video. By pruning at optimum moments throughout the year, you'll keep your Buddleja happy.

Gardening Shows and Events in the UK

A listing of nationwide and local gardening shows across the UK.

What are Garden Shredders

Garden shredders are the perfect tool to recycle your old wood, and leaves. Making light work of garden waste find out what garden shredder is best for you

Fuchsia 'Lady in Black' | Alan Titchmarsh Collection

Thompson and Morgan is delighted to introduce a new black fuchsia, exclusively available from the Alan Titchmarsh Collection.

How To Grow Courgettes

Learn how to grow Courgettes. Find out how easy it is to grow prolific courgette crops with TandM’s guide.

How We Grow and Send Your Plants

Find out how we grow and send your plants and seeds. Learn how TandM send out your chosen plants, plugs, bulbs and seeds in this simple guide.

Fruit Cage Guide

Wondering what a fruit cage is, what size mesh you will need and how to build it? Find out the answers to these questions in our fruit cage guide

Bean Seed Fly | Garden Pests and Diseases | Gardening Tips

Bean seed fly maggots can destroy bean crops - here are some top tips on how to avoid your beans failing early in the season.

Michael Perry's Gardening Blog March 2012 - Bulbs

This week Michael Perry talks about his visit to Lentetuin in Holland and the stunning bulb displays there.


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