
9718 products, 807 articles, 680 blogs

How To Landscape Your Garden and Backyard Like A Professional

How To Landscape Your Garden and Backyard Like A ProfessionalOutside, the temperatures are dropping. In New York, it has started snowing on a regular basis and residents are getting used to bundling up and trekking through snow and slush. But while the winds outside are gusting and homeowners are…

A day’s filming with Richard Jackson

A day’s filming with Richard JacksonI live in Bournemouth which is quite a mild gardening climate, although of course we have had some really bad winters over the last three years with well below temperatures and snow – not usually associated with the south of England. I am just…

Grow your own onions and save money

Grow onions at home to help you save moneyImage: Onion (Autumn) Troy' from Thompson & MorganThere's never been a better time to plant your own onion sets. Easy-to-grow and full of flavour, home-grown onions are often bigger than those in the shops and they store exceptionally well too. They're…

The Best Hedges for Clay Soil

Viburnum is just one of many shrubs which thrive in moist clay soil and which make excellent candidates for hedgingIf you are selecting hedges for clay soil, here is an introduction to some of the best available, plus an A-Z list of other species to choose from. Clay soils demand tough plants which…

Magnificent Magnolias

Get out into gardens now and enjoy the spring performance of magnolias in full bloom Image: magicflute002/Canva Cossetted within their velveteen coats, the buds of magnolia trees are just beginning to unfurl their voluptuous, vase-like blooms and wow crowds with a spectacular spring performance. If…

Ho ho sow

In ‘Ho ho sow’, Jane Scorer shares some great ideas for Christmas gifts.Are you in the midst of your Christmas shopping? If you are, then I bet you can feel an oppressive weight on your shoulders, that burden of what to buy for people this year. What do you buy for the ones who have…

SowStrong® – A Natural Way to Growing Success

SowStrong® – A Natural Way to Growing SuccessThe coloured coating allows a precise sowingNew and exclusive to Thompson & Morgan in 2013 is the new SowStrong® range. Featured in the 12th January issue of Amateur Gardening, these vegetable seeds have been coated with 100% natural and…

Top 5 daffodils ready for planting now

Daffodils growing in masses are a delightful sight and, with colours ranging from white, yellow and pink, there’s a daffodil for every garden. Plant them in pots or grow them in bold drifts naturalised in grass for maximum effect. Watch our video on how to grow bulbs for the best results. You…

Clematis – how, when and where?

Clematis is such a versatile plant and can be grown in containers, borders and even trained up walls. You should now be thinking about planting clematis in early autumn, for flowers next winter and late summer.  Autumn is the perfect time for planting clematis as the weather is cooler and the soil…

How to grow hyacinths

Hyacinths are a popular spring bulb grown for their showy, colourful and highly fragrant flowers. Hyacinth bulbs can be planted in borders, containers and window boxes, looking most impressive when planted in groups. They naturally flower in the spring but they can also be forced indoors for a…

Onions masterclass: best expert content

Homegrown onions ready for storageImage: Onion sets 'Troy' (Autumn planting) from Thompson & MorganFor the best independent advice on growing onions, we've found a selection of expert articles, videos and Instagram posts to help you raise a bumper crop. Whether you prefer to plant onion sets in…

Top tips for your garden in winter

Top tips for your garden in winterIt might be cold outside, but here are our top tips to keep your garden ticking over in winter. There’s plenty to do and, come spring, you’ll be thankful that you took the time to do these jobs!Insulate outdoor tapsOutdoor taps are prone to freezing…

Garlic masterclass: best expert content

Carcassonne Wight is one of the most successful garlic varieties for overwinteringImage: Garlic 'Carcassonne Wight' from Thompson & MorganIf you love the taste of garlic and want to try growing your own garlic sets from scratch, here's where you'll find some of the best advice. These YouTubers…

New autumn plant, bulb and shrub range now online

Thompson & Morgan’s new autumn plant range is now online!Now that summer is well and truly on its way and plants are putting on some decent growth at last, it’s a good time to start thinking about next season.Our autumn plant, bulb and shrub range is now online and is the perfect…

Plants on trial at Driftwood

Since writing my last blog for Thompson & Morgan about the plants on trial at driftwood earlier in the year, the garden has moved on at a pace and a half! We have already had 2 public open days, one for the National Gardens Scheme and one for a local trail which I organise for the local Mayor.…

Tree lily – the perfect performers for time-strapped gardeners

What a difference two years can make! Back in spring 2012, I planted five Tree Lily ‘Pink Explosion’ bulbs deep into a large, glazed patio pot filled with a 50/50 mix of multi-purpose and loam-based compost. I then stood back expecting big things.Big things I got! Come mid-summer, thick…

Customer trial panel member Geoff Stonebanks

In this gardening blog post Geoff Stonebanks writes about his gardening experiences on the south coast of England and becoming a member of Thompson & Morgan’s customer trial panel.I’m Geoff Stonebanks, fast approaching my 60th birthday and retired now with my garden in Sussex for 9…

RHS Award of Garden Merit Vegetables

Choose AGM winning vegetables for sturdy performanceImage: Swiss Chard 'Bright Lights' from Thompson & Morgan Royal Horticultural Society 'Award of Garden Merit' winning vegetable plants have earned a seal of approval for reliability. If you're looking for tried and tested fruit and veg to grow…

Move over marigolds.. bedding plants fly in the face of tradition

It’s time for those traditional bedding favourites such as marigolds, salvias and petunias to step aside. There are some new kids in town and they’re about to show they mean business.Penstemon ‘Wedding Bells’ MixedAlready a top-seller within weeks of the launch of Thompson…

Winter hanging baskets - planting ideas

Red berries look glorious against a variegated silver leaf for the winter seasonImage: dogwooddays Once the last of summer's flowers have faded, it's tempting to discard the plants, store the baskets behind the shed, and give up until spring. But that would be to miss out on the colour, texture and…

Much to do before festive break

December 2013Well I can’t believe that the festive season is nearly here but there are still a few jobs to do in the garden before the end of the year, weather permitting.I have tidied the shrubs and perennial borders, old perennial stalk pruned back and, where required, shrubs pruned to…

How many plants do I need in a hanging basket or container?

How many plants do I need in a hanging basket or container?It’s often difficult to judge how many plants to use per hanging basket or container. We’ve put together a table of our most popular bedding plants, showing how many you’ll need for the best display!Planting up a hanging…

Tips for growing flowers in your garden

The successful combination of shape, colour, texture and height makes this border singImage: Paul Wishart Flowers bring colour, texture and scent to our gardens and provide a welcome source of food for pollinators. With a little patience you can grow many flowers cost-effectively from seed. Short…

Five entries shortlisted for RHS Chelsea Plant of the Year

FIVE THOMPSON & MORGAN ENTRIES SHORTLISTED FOR RHS CHELSEA PLANT OF THE YEARWe're so proud to announce that FIVE of our seven entries into the prestigious RHS Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Year competition have today been shortlisted. We were awarded this very distinguished accolade in 2012…

Garden past its best, time for composting

Some things in the garden are now past their best and will need composting or cutting back if I don’t need the seed heads.I normally have the greenhouses empty by now, but this year the tomatoes are still going strong, so leaving them a little longer.The patioThe other greenhouse is full of…

Not just any pumpkin seed – this is world record-breaking pumpkin seed

Thompson & Morgan’s giant pumpkin seed compared to a regular-sized pumpkin seedNot just any pumpkin seed – this is world record-breaking pumpkin seed!Update – February 19th, 2013Michael Perry, new product development manager, was interviewed on Anglia News last night about the…

British blackcurrants – the home-grown superfruit

Blackcurrants – easy to grow and extremely good for youLabelled as the ‘mini marvel’, British blackcurrants are possibly one of the healthiest fruits you can eat. They’re packed full of vitamins and minerals and have many health benefits. Modern breeding methods mean that…

Celebrating 21 years of Duchy Originals

In September, Thompson & Morgan received an invitation to Clarence House to celebrate 21 years of Duchy Originals, as a thank you for being involved in the organic business venture started by HRH The Prince of Wales.A keen gardener himself, the Duke of Cornwall spent some time talking to the…

Growing berries in pots and containers

Cranberry PilgrimImage source: London Plantology There are many ways to grow fruit plants & berries in small spaces - wild strawberries in window boxes, a vertical wall of cranberries, dwarf raspberries in hanging baskets or blueberries in pots on the patio. Plant your containers now and you'll…

From Rake To Bake - Curried Cauliflower Crunch

Welcome to Baking Blog. Each month will feature an in-season fruit or vegetable dish to make with a little bit of grow-your-own information on the side. March is perfect for making Curried Cauliflower Crunch. Cauliflower doesn't have to be boring, there are many different varieties to sow, grow,…

My visit to Chelsea Flower Show

It’s the day after my visit to Chelsea Flower Show! My feet are still aching, and my mind is still spinning with new plants and fresh garden designs. The whole of the gardening world tends to be at Chelsea too, so it can be difficult to walk a few feet without seeing someone you know! I think…

Make a change to your plant choices

Make a positive change to your plant choices this spring – new from Michael PerryPerhaps you’ve become used to growing the same plants each year, regardless of whether they perform well for you or not! You may even doubt your own gardening skills when those plants fail or succumb to…

Was Buying a House Called ‘Brambles’ an Omen? (Part Two)

Was Buying a House Called ‘Brambles’ an Omen? (Part Two)There is a famous quote by Thomas Fuller (English Churchman and historian) that goes “No garden is without its weeds”. Well, Mr Fuller was a very wise man and had he not been dead nigh on 350 years I would swear that he…

Prepare your garden for winter

Winter is coming and autumn is the perfect time to start preparing your garden for winter weather. Your garden doesn’t need to be dull and colourless just because the weather is kicking up a fuss. There are many jobs for you to do in the garden in October to prepare your winter garden, so…

How to stop cats using your garden for a toilet

Looking for ways to prevent unwanted cats visiting your garden? Image: lkoimages Fed up with neighbourhood cats fouling your flower beds, digging up seedlings, and damaging your plants? Potential solutions to the problem are many, but no one method is 100% successful, which is why it's best to…

Chance find becomes Thompson & Morgan’s Flower of the Year for 2013

Nasturtium ‘Crimson Emperor’ – Flower of the Year 2013“It’s amazing what you can find lying around in the nooks and crannies of the seed store!” Alan Sparks of Takii Seed.A lucky discovery in a back room has been exhibited at RHS Chelsea this year and is Thompson…


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