Cotoneaster berries feed birds through even the bleakest winters. Image source: Artush If you'd love to encourage wildlife to visit your garden but aren't sure what plants to grow, this is the place for you. We asked some of our favourite wildlife gardening bloggers for their planting tips and…
Are you stepping out of your comfort zone this year to try something new?Image source: Tom Gowanlock Are you looking for fresh inspiration? It's easy to get stuck in the trap of repeating successful plants, flowers and crops year after year, rather than trying new things. We caught up with a few…
Fuchsias are extremely versatile with a variety on the market suitable for most situations. Few other plants perform so well in the garden with so little upkeep, even the tender types can make it through winter with minimal protection. Fuchsia plants are easy to grow, long-lasting and make the…
With all the crocus and daffodils popping their little heads through the soil, it gets me thinking about my plan on what to grow in the coming season on the allotment. Even though this plan changes and develops beyond recognition, as the year goes on I still use it as my rough guide.When I first…
Since writing my last blog for Thompson & Morgan about the plants on trial at driftwood earlier in the year, the garden has moved on at a pace and a half! We have already had 2 public open days, one for the National Gardens Scheme and one for a local trail which I organise for the local Mayor.…
Evergreen shrubs form the backbone of the garden. They provide structure and colour even in the depths of winter when other plants are dormant and bare.Evergreens offer more than just foliage. Many have attractive flowers such as Rhododendron and Camellia. In fact some even flower during the…
Shallots are an underappreciated cousin of the onionImage: Shallot 'Griselle' from Thompson & Morgan. If you normally grow onions, have you considered planting shallots alongside them? These oval alliums offer a unique flavour profile, prized in French and Asian cuisine. Here we explain the…
By the end of May, all the bedding plants were put in the borders and watered in for a few nights. Last weekend after some heavy rain I went around them all with a small 2 pronged claw and loosened the soil. This will let air in around the roots and create dry soil mulch, trapping some of the…
Neat & compact, Broad Bean The Sutton' is perfect for growing in containers or small gardensImage: Broad Bean 'The Sutton' from Thompson & Morgan In our search for expert advice on growing peas and beans, we turned to some of the best grow-your-own bloggers, Instagrammers and YouTubers.…
There can be much more to a beautiful garden than masses of flowers. Although a 'sea of colour' border is spectacular it may be fleeting in beauty, and can lack definition through the seasons if it has no underlying form or structure. Putting together the shape and outline of different types of…
Guest blogger Michelle Storm writes a regular blog on increasing wild flower meadows in UK gardens and public spaces.A winter wildlife gardenIn mid November a carpet of leaves covered the garden. The stalks of summer perennials were brown and shriveled and the seed heads of Hollyhocks, Lavender and…
Nic has planted Rudbeckia 'Savannah Mixed' alongside grasses in her own gardenImage: Nic Wilson of dogwooddays Midsummer is a time of plenty in the garden with roses blooming, sweet peas in their prime and borders a riot of colour. But as summer progresses and cottage garden stalwarts begin to…
This climbing petunia has been trained up an obelisk to create a spectacular focal point Image: Petunia 'Tidal Wave Improved' from T&MHere you'll find the best expert content on raising petunia seeds or growing petunia plug plants. We've scoured the web to bring you insights from the experts…
Getting more from your garden!By ‘getting more’ I mean multiplying up your favourite plants the cheap and easy way — by taking cuttings. Although September is thought to be late for taking cuttings, it is in fact my chosen moment. The busy spring and summer seasons of the…
Wildflowers deliver colour, scent, texture and interest to gardens large and smallImage: shutterstock Wildflowers are a colourful, low-maintenance and cost-effective way to make your garden buzz with life. Particularly attractive to pollinators, they provide important food and shelter for a wide…
A summer heatwave is ideal for chilliesImage source: Nic Wilson It's been a hot year in the greenhouse and the chillies have enjoyed every sweltering second. Sown in early January, they developed into sturdy seedlings by March and were ready to go out in the greenhouse by late May. I chose fewer…
This collection's all about the flowers Image: shutterstock Breathtaking blooms, inspirational arrangements and expert growing advice are yours at the swipe of a screen on Instagram. Here you'll find growers, stylists, artists and farmers, all sharing images of their common passion - British-grown…
I'm really not a fan of the aforementioned festive season, but I've suddenly realised that I lurve January! The inclement weather gives me the perfect excuse to be bone idle guilt free. Mind you, some things can't wait, especially when you are up against the horticultural prowess of Diane, she of…
The recent dry spell has really made me think about the plants I am growing. The drought has taken its toll on a favourite tree in my garden. In truth, it has been many years since it performed at its best. This year, I'll be lucky if there are any leaves left come autumn! I'm blaming my thin,…
Welcome to my Baking Blog. Each month will feature an in-season fruit or vegetable dish to make with a little bit of grow-your-own information on the side. April is perfect for making Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Cabbage. It's one of those leafy green vegetables that are often overlooked Cabbage doesn't…
Seriously? It's April already? How did that happen! (If that's rhetorical, does it need a question mark?) It's all systems go here. David and I are Going For It big time: NEW sculpture focal point, NEW rill feature, NEW rose arch. And NEW hanging baskets - no more wicker, gone off rustic - and in…
2013 was a very successful year for gardener Geoff Stonebanks and his garden, Driftwood!The back gardenIt saw his garden related charity fundraising top the £32,000 mark in just 4 years, for which he became a finalist in the BBC Sussex Community Heroes Awards last December. Even in the depths of…
Homegrown strawberries taste better than anything you can buy in a supermarket Image: Strawberry Vibrant' from Thompson & MorganIf you like growing delicious strawberries we're delighted to bring you a collection of the best advice from the internet. These bloggers, YouTubers and Instagrammers…
Guest blogger Rachel Davidson-Foster’s post on her ongoing quest for the perfect garden.Was buying a house called “Brambles” an omen?I hope you will forgive me the women’s-magazine cliché that begins my story; 6 years ago I’m pregnant with my second child searching for…
Try Tomato Gourmandia' F1 Hybrid for gorgeous texture and flavour, perfect for slicing onto sandwiches Image: Tomato Gourmandia' F1 Hybrid from Thompson & MorganDo you want to grow your own fresh tomatoes? Here's a collection of the best online content to get you started and refine your…
Plants are beautiful decorations for your garden, and luckily there are many of those which are easy to care for if you have a busy lifestyle. There are plenty of varieties that don't need staking, frequent deadheading and dividing, complicated pruning, or excessive watering. Below we've listed the…
Gertrude Jekyll, the influential garden designer, plants woman and artist, once said that 'The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies. ' For myself, like many gardeners, this is profoundly true. Over the years, that love has almost become an obsession that shows no sign of abating.…
With excitement and well drawn plans of the new year, I began 2012 with aspirations of extending my vegetable growing knowledge and growing some good crops at home in my small garden. Still a beginner and only in my second year of anything garden related… ever, I wanted to have another go at…
Fill your garden with fragrant sweet peasImage: Vic and Julie Pigula Sweet peas are top of my desert island plant list. I love them for their soft papery flowers, pretty pastel shades, and that stunning scent. Summer just wouldn't be right without them. Here are The Chatty Gardener's, aka Mandy…
Garden lighting can transform an ordinary garden into something extraordinaryImage: welcomia If you're dreaming up big plans for your garden in the New Year and you're looking for clever ways to create dramatic impact, we can help. We asked our favourite British garden designers for their top tips…
Looking for ways to prevent unwanted cats visiting your garden? Image: lkoimages Fed up with neighbourhood cats fouling your flower beds, digging up seedlings, and damaging your plants? Potential solutions to the problem are many, but no one method is 100% successful, which is why it's best to…
Due to the wet winter and mild spell in April my garden is thriving! The perennials and shrubs are looking so advanced in my borders and the lupins are trying to flower already. What is most unusual for this time of year; I have delphiniums in bud. Not that I am complaining!Due to the amount of…
Michael Perry and Christine WalkdenIf you watched the Great British Garden Revival last night then you will have seen Christine Walkden’s passion for ornamental bedding plants and her campaign for their revival. The magnificent displays of Waddesdon Manor and much-loved seaside displays at…
Carcassonne Wight is one of the most successful garlic varieties for overwinteringImage: Garlic 'Carcassonne Wight' from Thompson & MorganIf you love the taste of garlic and want to try growing your own garlic sets from scratch, here's where you'll find some of the best advice. These YouTubers…
Dearest reader, Harrison (left), William (right). How do you do? Indeed, well. . . ! We are William and Harrison Scowsill, (28, 27). Perhaps like us, you also ogle and dream of acquiring interesting and rare varieties of plants and seeds from all corners of the globe whilst enjoying the catharsis…
Plug plants – which size is best for you?It’s all-go in the garden now that the sun has finally decided to make an appearance, but knowing which plug plants to buy can be a bit confusing. They all need different levels of care and, if you’re not sure what you’re buying, you…
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