As what would have been my open garden season, draws to a close, I can look back on a very different summer here at Driftwood. Considering the diversity of the weather we've experienced here in Seaford, ranging from extreme heat, gale-force winds through to torrential rain, I am quite amazed that…
Spend your time in some of the nation's best gardens Image: Yolanta Did you know that the gardens at Chatsworth are being transformed? Have you always wanted to immerse yourself in the jungle at The Lost Gardens of Heligan? Visiting gardens is something of a national occupation for us Brits. And…
Gardening is an annual task, or hobby to most, and requires attention all year round. For me this is perfect because I do not have to find something else to do that will keep me occupied whilst my hobby is ‘not in season’. Of course there are down falls to this, for example when I am…
As I stepped into my garden earlier this week, I was captured by a breath-taking fragrance. I went in search of its source - and there on the other side of the fence was a magnificent Sarcococca! I love this reliable evergreen shrub. It has an intense (but not overpowering) perfume. Better still,…
Wild Ferments!Most of us tend to view the world of microbes with some suspicion, convinced that these bugs can do us harm or make us unwell, in fact there is a whole world of beneficial organisms out there that can help us unlock additional nourishment from our food, and at the same time populate…
After a long year tending to our garden, December is the time for us to put our feet up with a spring catalogue and enjoy the winter’s tracery. During colder days we can sit back with a hot chocolate in hand, topped with toasty marshmallows and admire the lingering frost on summers faded…
After languishing for a while outside garden fashion, dahlias are suddenly being recognised again for their very many useful attributes. Long in flower (June to early December in a sheltered spot), easy to grow, invaluable in the summer border, a desirable cut flower ' the list goes on! They offer…
Since my last blog for Thompson & Morgan, back at the beginning of July, so much has happened in the garden! Not only have we seen over 2,200 visitors over the summer, but have raised over £16,000 for charity, this year alone! The icing on the cake came when ITV’s Good Morning Britain…
Commonly known as amaryllis, hippeastrum bulbs are hugely popular gifts for Christmas. There really is no question as to why increasing numbers are choosing the amaryllis as a Christmas gift, as their magnificent and showy blooms flower year after year, making fantastic houseplants.Growing…
How to successfully grow your TomTato® plantsWe’ve had an amazing amount of interest in our TomTato® plants and news of the new innovation has spread throughout the world!TomTato® is available to buy from the Thompson & Morgan website, but only to customers in the UK and only as plants.…
In my second ‘make a change to your plant choices’ article I’ll be showing you some superb varieties that have the edge of other plants and vegetables in our range.Runner Bean Moonlight – self-fertile beansGrow Runner Bean Moonlight, not Lady DiWhy?Bad weather and…
Nic grows soft fruit in a cageImage: Nic Wilson of dogwooddays Never grown fruit plants before? Not sure what to do with your rapidly growing berry bush? We asked experienced gardener Nic Wilson how she grows such bumper crops. Her generously shared tips make growing some of the most expensive…
Following on from my post last week, here are two more dazzling new plants, each with an interesting twist…Rose ‘Waterfall Collection’Rose ‘Waterfall Collection’The hanging basket rose idea has been bouncing around our plant-soaked heads for the last few seasons, but…
As I write this first post we're entering Autumn. There is a noticeable shift in the seasons as the mornings are a little nippy now but, thankfully, we still have some bright days to enjoy working outside. Things are still battling on outside including my dwarf beans, variety Ferrari, swede even…
There’s a certain sense of satisfaction and achievement that comes from raising our seed and plug plant varieties to maturity, but we know there are times when something a little more immediate is called for. If you lack the time or space to grow on our young plants, our new mature large…
Now is the time to plant your bareroot hedge. Don't leave it too late! The bareroot planting season is from November to March, when plants are dormant, and the sooner you get them in before bud burst the better. Getting out into the garden in the winter can be a challenge but planting a hedge is a…
The day has come.After more than a year of planning, the most prestigious gardening event of the year has finally opened its doors. The show isn’t yet open to the public, but I’ve been lucky enough to get a sneak preview!Preparing for the day aheadPutting the finishing touches to the…
The seedy side of rose growingBy Jane ScorerRose ‘Garden Party’I’m rose-obsessed and I admit it! I love them all, from the teeny, weeny miniatures to the towering giants, and my intention is to cram as many as I can into my garden. So, how happy was I, last year, to see plug…
No matter how expert you are at gardening, there's always something new to learn!Image source: Aya Images The great thing about gardening is that no matter how expert you are, you never reach the end of your personal learning curve. To help you a little further along the way, we asked some of our…
As the winter solstice falls upon us and Jack Frost starts nipping at our noses, the temperature drop, shorter days, and the holiday hustle and bustle invariably get people's minds off their gardens. But just because the season is hibernal doesn't mean your green thumb should fall into a deep…
We’d like to introduce you to some members of our customer trial panel – our trusty team of gardeners who test Thompson & Morgan’s plants in real gardens. They’ll be writing blog posts for us in the next few months to give you updates on what’s happening in their…
Begonia MacaRouge', Busy Lizzie Wild Romance White' and Busy Lizzie Wild Romance Red' New Spring Range Preview Plant selection for our 2020 spring range is well under way. As always, full details are kept secret until the launch, but we can give you a sneak preview of a couple of plants that…
Grow onions at home to help you save moneyImage: Onion (Autumn) Troy' from Thompson & MorganThere's never been a better time to plant your own onion sets. Easy-to-grow and full of flavour, home-grown onions are often bigger than those in the shops and they store exceptionally well too. They're…
Behind the scenes at Chelsea Flower Show 2013 (press day)The RHS Chelsea Flower Show celebrates its centenary birthday this week, and I was very lucky to receive a press pass for Monday 21 May for a sneak preview and behind the scenes look at the most prestigious event in the gardening calendar…
So here we are in early August, it's 33c outside, and I'm making blackberry jam! What on earth is going on? No sooner had the strawberries finished fruiting than the blackberries were ripe for picking! Is it me or has there been a worldwide conspiracy perpetuating the mysteries of jam making? 10…
We are in the midst of somewhat dark and difficult times. Newspapers, social media and television constantly reminding us of the troubles that loom uneasily around us. Every day seems like a battle. And yet, there is one battle that continues to fly beneath the radars of far too many of us; let…
It's been an amazing experience to watch the garden on its wonderful journey from a blank canvas to the flourishing beauty that it is today. I joined T&M back in April and one of my first projects to get my teeth stuck into was our 'Floral Fantasia' garden at RHS Hyde Hall in Essex near…
Satisfaction twice - from growing, and from arranging. Image: shutterstock As spring arrives and temperatures start to rise, my thoughts turn to flowers. And not just flowers to be enjoyed in the garden. I'm talking about those grown specifically for cutting, to allow me to bring a little of that…
How many plants do I need in a hanging basket or container?It’s often difficult to judge how many plants to use per hanging basket or container. We’ve put together a table of our most popular bedding plants, showing how many you’ll need for the best display!Planting up a hanging…
Calabrese broccoli is known for being rich in nutrients and what can be better than home-grown broccoli that you can be proud of. Many people love it fresh, whereas some prefer to stir fry their broccoli before consuming this nutrient-rich delight. It is not as hard to grow broccoli as many people…
Plants and pets are two things that we adore in life. Unfortunately, many common plants are toxic to cats and dogs. Since some plants are poisonous, once eaten, they cause convulsions, tremors, and even death. Even the most well-behaved pets are sure to nibble a houseplant at a particular moment.…
Read guest blogger Richard Barrett’s advice on avoiding potato blightWhy I like to grow potatoesThe potato started life as food for the poor but has risen in value to become a favourite vegetable for everybody. I like to grow my own potatoes because I then know in what conditions they have…
I've been off for a bit, from the garden that is. Don't suppose I'm the only one either. I mean - ugh - just look at it out there. The cold, grey months of Winter are here, still hanging around like overstaying party guests who can't take the hint. I've tried tapping my watch, breezily declaring…
T&M customer trial member Doug Upson’s gardenWe’ve just read on the Telegraph website that UK gardeners have invested a massive £80 billion in their gardens, with the average household spending £1,790. But the article also said that many homeowners say that their gardens have…
If you haven’t requested your spring 2015 catalogue yet then you need to! This is one of our most exciting catalogues yet, bursting at the seams with new varieties, fragrant collections, competitions, offers and so much more.So, what is new?Our Incredi-range® is blooming marvellous! Our…
A few changes to your garden can make it a paradise for wildlifeImage: Coatesy The best way to attract more wildlife to your garden is to provide a habitat complete with food and forage sources, shelter for a wide variety of creatures, and an accessible water source. We asked some of our favourite…
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